Saturday, November 05, 2005

Giant Swallowtail Larva

Giant Swallowtail Larva
Papilio cresphontes
Tucson, Arizona
5th November 2005

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At 11/07/2005 7:37 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

so my best friend here went missing for a week or more. then, this saturday as I was hanging out on our backyard patio, I noticed something dark dangling from above. lo and behold! it was my favorite backyard critter, ready to go into pupal stage!!! how exciting!! and even more interesting how he made the 5+ yard trek from his citrus tree to our patio...

At 11/13/2005 8:20 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

it is with great sadness that I announce my friend has passed. he was robbed of his time here, never getting the chance to be the beautiful giant swallowtail he could have been. a bird plucked him off the patio ceiling and ate him for breakfast last weekend as I helplessly watched. sorry little guy. you will be missed.


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